Post-Garza County Endowment Grant Story: Caprock Cultural Association
The Post-Garza County Endowment granted funds to Caprock Cultural Association for Post Public Library summer reading programs in 2020. Unfortunately, because of the COVID outbreak, the summer program and visiting author events were canceled for that year.
A TV was purchased before the outbreak to utilize for program presenters in need of media hookups, virtual storytime with authors, weather updates, and educational programs. The Association explains how the TV has now taken on a new purpose they hadn’t planned on, “Zoom is available for virtual meetings, weather reports streaming live for updates of storms, COVID-19 updated reports, breaking news events, and educational programming.” The Samsung TV has helped the library accommodate the needs of an increasingly digital and virtual world. This device allowed members to attend college programs, artistic and musical events, seminars, webcasts, and Zoom meetings.
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